Since the release of our Policy on Sustainable Palm Oil in 2015, we emphasize our commitment to minimise, reduce/limit use of chemicals fertilisers and pesticides not only in our business operations, but also in our supply chain, urging suppliers to adopt more sustainable agrochemical practices. To minimise the use of synthetic pesticides, we have promoting Integrated Pest Management (IPM), which is the practice of using a range of strategies to sustainably maintain pest populations within thresholds while causing minimal harm to local ecosystems in our operation.
To reduce risks that could be caused by the release of chemicals into the ecosystem, biological controls are introduced where possible. Oil palm pests include rats, rhinoceros beetles, bunch moths, bagworms and nettle caterpillars. Barn owls (Tyto alba) are used in our plantations as a biological agent to control the population of rats which eat the oil palm fruit. We also plant crops such as the Cassia cobanensis, Antigonon Leptopus, and Turnera subulata which attract predators of oil palm leaf-eating pests such as bagworms and caterpillars. Other biological agents such as the Cordyceps fungus is also used during the outbreak of nettle catterpillars.
Furthermore, we do not use paraquat or only use in emergency circumstances due to concerns about its high toxicity levels and potential misuse. To underscore this, since 2020 we achieved our goal of phasing out the use of paraquat in our operation and strictly prohibited it in our supply chain. Where pesticides are required, we monitor their usage and ensure that they are permitted by the Ministry of Agriculture of Indonesia. We only use the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) Class 1A and 1B pesticides in specific and urgent situations, and we do not use chemicals listed under the Stockholm Convention and Rotterdam Convention.